ma phaleshu kadachana
ma karma phala hetu bhurba
te sangostav karmani" (Chap 2: 47)
This very popular & famous verse from the Bhagavad Gita sums up the formula for success. It has been quoted over & over again & I found the relevance of it today too when the nation is celebrating the Oscar success.
News channels haven't stopped raving about AR Rahman & his feat. The common refrain in all his interviews & people who talk about him are his simplicity & spirituality. When you look at the kids from the cast of Slumdog millionaire all that strikes you is they got what they had not even imagined in their wildest dreams. Danny Boyle in one of his interviews said that that the project just started & he completed with total passion enjoying every bit of it & then it took its own journey. Each one is euphoric. They truly should be. Every one who enters the film industry dreams of holding the Oscars at some point in their career. Getting recognition is easiest at the Oscars. The world watches it & it is acknowledged everywhere. Instant fame is the outcome.
Looking at those kids on the red carpet what struck me was, they were destined to be there so early. One of the kids' mother even said that it felt so good to see her son go & win an award which even Amitabh & Shah Rukh have not won! It's so surreal. You don't know what you are doing many a time & just get into a project. YOU are the chosen one . You go on do your best & then its appreciated beyond your expectations. Isn't it strange? Sometimes there is someone around you who is as good as you but that person gets more recognition than you do.Many a time that someone may not even be as good as you & then it hurts even more. Who decides this?
Well many times we have no answers. What is ironical is the sometimes the award doesn't necessarily go to the best. It is the situations that fall so beautifully in place that there is no earthly force who can take what you have in store! No lobbying or no bribing. It's the sheer beauty of how "that force" conspires to make sure that you get what you are due to. No power can stop that.
Each time an honor comes a person's way, the higher they go, the humbler they become. Gulzaar saab's reaction was a perfect example. A great lyricist & director he needed a JAI HO to give him an Oscar. He gave "Rahman saab" full credit. AR Rahman even at that point of "being terrified & excited" acknowledged his mother & said the most humbling statement "Ella pughalum Iraivannuke." Success is so transitory so is the glory that comes along. Having tasted it many times over it must have not been different for the Musical genius.
Honestly I am not an idealist. Being rational has helped me face life a lot better. But then everything that happens in our life need not have a logical explanation. Many a time it is this surprise element that makes life so worth living.To be able to totally surrender makes life's attitude so important.These are what i picked up listening to Rahman in different interviews
- Do whatever you do with total passion & commitment.
- Acknowledge an unseen power which each of us gives a different name to
- Remember you are accountable to the talents you have, so stay grounded.
Isn't this a simple formula?
Labels: Bhagavad Gita