
Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins... Is the man who thinks HE CAN!!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Two interesting Tags

A big thank you to each one of you for your wishes & I'm sure you had a wonderful Diwali too!

As promised this post is where i'll take up the tags.I enjoyed them. Thank you Neha & passerby55 for tagging me.

By Neha:
I am thinking
How life has changed in the last few years. It has taken places where I least expected to go! Touch wood!

I said
Smile... it is the easiest thing you can do!

I want
Both Chiraag and Dhruv to be "perfect" kids... obedient, silent ,never fighting,or asking me those difficult to answer "why" questions!

I wish
I could laze around like a cat in style, fly away where I want to like a bird and be totally stress free like my dog!

I miss
Amma's cooking, school days ,college days... Madras.. nalla Madras! Not the different Chennai I'm in now!

I hear
The usual victim Dhruv complaining about the "illtreatment" meeted out to him by his Big B Chiraag.

I wonder
If my dream of the perfect bonding between my two sons would ever happen?!

I regret
having never learnt to swim.

I am
Rashi to my near & dear,Pinky to my spl aunt & her family , a proud mother of two darlings and Rashmi to my friends.

I dance
Very rarely! I don't know how to dance!

I sing
Always! Either I'm humming or singing.

I cry
Very rarely! Only when I see no way out!

I write
Whatever occurs to me.

I confuse
Many of the Hollywood actors by name.

I need
To keep myself busy or else I end up wasting time.

I should
Lose some weight now!

I finish
This post only after I complete my next tag.

By passerby55

6 weird things about me!

I can talk nonstop for hours with people i strike a rapport with instantly,even the very first time I meet them... But can also sit absolutely silent with someone I just don't feel comfortable with! (though the latter is pretty rare, it is something I found out recently!)

I leave my plate or banana leaf CLEAN as I do not like to waste food.(much to the embarasement of my mother who always asks me to spare a thought for the dogs which come to eat the left overs!)I was embarassed 'coz of this a few years back , when the cook at a function saw my leaf & said that he had not seen such a leaf in 35 years of his service & forced me to have something more even though I told him I was full to the BRIM! I continue to be the same till date ...its difficult to expect a Taurean to change,right?

Money has never been a criterion for me when i decide to take up an assignment. I have to enjoy it & THAT is what matters!

I do not throw away even small newspaper covers before I read it for missing out on anything interesting.

I am extremely positive & look at every incident that happens in life with the most positive outlook. It irritates many around me but I continue to see only the positive aspects!

I am hardworking & a little too sincere in my approach to everything I do! Though always I do not get the desired results , I beleive in putting my best effort always!

God! Am I weird?????????


Blogger Sreejith Panickar said...

Interesting work! Must tiread dealing with two tags at a time, eh?

1:32 PM  
Blogger Neer said...

not really... you aint weird!! cute is more like it! :)

9:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I miss
Amma's cooking, school days ,college days... Madras.. nalla Madras! Not the different Chennai I'm in now!

Hmm.. chennai has indeed changed!

I leave my plate or banana leaf CLEAN as I do not like to waste food.(much to the embarasement of my mother who always asks me to spare a thought for the dogs which come to eat the left overs!)

same pinch! :D

5:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Not tired Sreejith! Enjoyed my self!

Thanx neers! u sure are a sweetheart.

Aah ha so you think so too about Chennai ,Karthik?Good! u too don't waste so I'm not alone. Thanx buddy!

3:23 AM  
Blogger Suji said...

A nice blog u ve here. And nice to know u thru the tags. :)
Will be back.

6:33 AM  
Blogger Sreejith Panickar said...

Re: Randomthoughts

:-) Nice to know that! I too enjoy tags.... :-))

4:43 AM  
Blogger Balaji S Rajan said...

"I can talk nonstop for hours with people i strike a rapport with instantly,even the very first time I meet them... But can also sit absolutely silent with someone I just don't feel comfortable with! (though the latter is pretty rare, it is something I found out recently!)

I leave my plate or banana leaf CLEAN as I do not like to waste food.(much to the embarasement of my mother who always asks me to spare a thought for the dogs which come to eat the left overs!)I was embarassed 'coz of this a few years back , when the cook at a function saw my leaf & said that he had not seen such a leaf in 35 years of his service & forced me to have something more even though I told him I was full to the BRIM! I continue to be the same till date ...its difficult to expect a Taurean to change,right?"

The entire comment can be copied by me and published in my post as one of the weird things of myself. Yes I too clean the leaf or plate. I make it so clean and joke in my house, that it need not be washed.

The same way when I meet someone. Nowadays I do not get sufficient time since my kids are also equally coming up like me and they try to dominate with my guests and friends.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Artnavy said...

u r hardly wierd

leaving plate CLEAN is tough- i sill cannot do it

9:30 PM  
Blogger passerby55 said...


you are not weird, you are honest and a wonderful person with a simple approach to life....that is rare to find these days.

thankyou for doing the tags so well and positively.....yipeee!!

"I said: SMILE .... .... it is the easiest thing you can do"..
You said it ... i agree to it.


8:45 PM  
Blogger Neha said...

Naaaa..u r not wierd!U are normal....
Interestingly normal..
And thansk for taking up the tag..

2:18 AM  
Blogger Keshi said...

cool answers :)


5:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Suji! Nice meeting you too!

Same pinch Sreejith!

Thanks Bala! Welcome to the fold!

Thanx artnavy! It infact is not so difficult if you serve only as much as u need!


8:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you passerby55 for tagging me!Enjoyed myself!

My pleasure Neha! Enjoyed doing it!

Thanx Keshi!


8:27 PM  
Blogger Keshi said...

I think ur a great girl Rashmi.

U dunno how to dance? just come over, I will teach ya :) its very easy.


5:47 PM  
Blogger Neer said...

danke madame!! :)

2:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanx Keshi! What an excuse to come to Sydney!

My pleasure entirely neers!


7:30 PM  

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